Breed Traits & Characteristics ; Affectionate With Family. IndependentLovey-Dovey ; Openness To Strangers. ReservedEveryone Is My Best Friend ; Trainability Level.
Pomeranians are known for being smart, curious, energetic, feisty, and bold. They are typically very playful and love to be the center of attention. They can make great pets for families but may not be the best choice for those who have small children.
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The legend says that all Birmans are descended from a temple cat that lived with a priest in Burma. When the priest was attacked by thieves, his loyal cat stayed by his side to keep him company until he took his last breath. One the priest had past, the cat was transformed, gaining golden tinted fur and deep blue eyes. birman cats for sale
Scottish Fold cats are a cat breed that's easily recognizable due to their unusual folded ears, which give them an endearing and distinctive appearance. This unique feature in cat breeds resulted from a natural genetic mutation that affects their ear cartilage.
Interesting Facts about Teacup Pomeranians
This dog is actually a descendent of a large, Icelandic sledding dog. These dogs are affectionately called 'Poms' or 'Pom Poms'. These dogs are famous for fearlessly standing up to larger dogs with a little bark. Pomeranians are typically very friendly, playful and active. The breed is very protective of their owners and love to be around them. They are very intelligent and are easily trained. They rank 23rd in Stanley Coren's “The Intelligence of Dogs”, being of excellent working/obedience intelligence.
AuthorWe created this blog page so that families could learn more about pets they love. Dogs, Cats, Rabits, horse, ect Archives
Welcome to our Pomeranian Breeders.
We breed Pomeranians only. All our Pomeranian puppies are purebred. Our adults and Pups are regularly checked by vet, vaccinated, up to date, loved, and well cared for. We are PKD, FIV, and FeLV negative Breeders.
Tell: +1 (530)358-8024 Email: [email protected] Address: Wilson Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 |